


2023-12-12 12:48:01


本文摘要:Immanuel Kant Quotes About Ethics康德关于伦理学的名言21. In scientific matters … the greatest discoverer differs from the most arduous imitator and apprentice only in degree, whereas he differs in kind from someone whom nature has endowed for fine art. But saying this does not disparage those great men to whom the human race owes so much in contrast to those whom nature has endowed for fine art.在科学问题上……最伟大的发现者与最艰辛的模拟者以及学徒只在水平上有所差别,而他与自然赋予艺术天赋的人在性质上是有所差异的。

Immanuel Kant Quotes About Ethics康德关于伦理学的名言21. In scientific matters … the greatest discoverer differs from the most arduous imitator and apprentice only in degree, whereas he differs in kind from someone whom nature has endowed for fine art. But saying this does not disparage those great men to whom the human race owes so much in contrast to those whom nature has endowed for fine art.在科学问题上……最伟大的发现者与最艰辛的模拟者以及学徒只在水平上有所差别,而他与自然赋予艺术天赋的人在性质上是有所差异的。但这样说并没有贬低那些人类应该归功的伟人,不包罗那些大自然赋予艺术天赋的伟人。For the scientists’ talent lies in continuing to increase the perfection of our cognitions and on all the dependent benefits, as well as in imparting that same knowledge to others; and in these respects they are far superior to those who merit the honour of being called geniuses. For the latter’s art stops at some point, because a boundary is set for it beyond which it cannot go and which has probably long since been reached and cannot be extended further.”因为科学家的才气在于不停地提高和完美我们的认知,在于给人类带来不行或缺的利益,同时他们把同样的知识教授给其他人;在这些方面,他们远远优于那些值得称为天才的人。

因为后者的艺术在某一点上停止了,因为为它设定了一个界线,它不能逾越这个界线,而且这个界线可能已经良久良久了,不能再扩大了。”22. Notion without intuition is empty, intuition without notion is blind.没有直觉的观点是空的,没有观点的直觉是盲目的。23. Our knowledge springs from two fundamental sources of the mind; the first is the capacity of receiving representations (receptivity for impressions), the second is the power of knowing an object through these representations (spontaneity [in the production] of concepts).我们的知识泉源于大脑的两个基原来源:第一是接受表象的能力(对印象的接受),第二是通过这些表象认识物体的能力(观点发生的自发性)。24. Reason must approach nature with the view, indeed, of receiving information from it, not, however, in the character of a pupil, who listens to all that his master chooses to tell him, but in that of a judge, who compels the witnesses to reply to those questions which he himself thinks fit to propose. To this single idea must the revolution be ascribed, by which, after groping in the dark for so many centuries, natural science was at length conducted into the path of certain progress.理性必须靠近自然,实际上是从自然中接受信息,而不是以学生的性格,倾听和选择老师告诉他的一切,而是以法官的性格,强迫证人回覆他自己认为适合提出的问题。

必须把革命归于这一单一的思想,在黑黑暗探索了这么多世纪之后,自然科学终于走上了确定的进步之路。25. The ideal of the supreme being is nothing but a regulative principle of reason which directs us to look upon all connection in the world as if it originated from an all-sufficient necessary cause.至高无上的存在不外是一个理性的规范性原则,它指引我们去看待世界上的一切联系,就似乎它起源于一个充实须要的理由。26. Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the oftener and more steadily they are reflected on: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.有两件事使我的头脑充满了新鲜的和不停增长的崇敬和敬畏,我们经常不停地对它们举行反思:我头顶的星空和我心田的道德规则。

Immanuel Kant Quotes About Freedom康德关于自由的引述27. Without the sensuous faculty no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are void, intuitions without conceptions, blind.没有感性的能力,我们就没有目的,没有明白,我们就没有目的。没有内容的思想是空虚的,没有观点的直觉是盲目的。28. Historically the most striking result of Kant’s labors was the rapid separation of the thinkers of his own nation and, though less completely, of the world, into two parties;—the philosophers and the scientists.从历史上看,康德的努力最显著的成就是迅速地把他自己国家的思想家和世界的思想家,只管不太完全,分成了两个阵营:哲学家和科学家。

29. “We are not rich by what we possess but by what we can do without.”“我们不是因为拥有什么而富有,而是因为我们不依赖别人缔造出财富而富有。




