


2023-11-29 00:48:01


本文摘要:人间欢喜 唯我与爱不合.(The world rejoices, but I and love do not mix.)要是永远长不大就好了.(If only it would never grow up.)我只想给我喜欢的人一个好了局.(I just want to give someone I like a happy ending.)要好好努力 长大才气不负众望.(You have to work hard to live up to your expectations.)生活中的幸与不幸 都是有止境的.(The good and the bad in life, they all have an end.)带上你的微笑 面临人生的不期而遇.(Put on your smile and face life's unexpected encounter.)站在孤苦的顶端 不躲闪 不呼唤 与世无争.(Standing on the top of the lonely, don't dodge, don't shout, don't contend with the world.)或许是这世界太过宣哗 才让自己显得有些傻.(Maybe the world is too much publicity, so that they seem a bit silly.)
人间欢喜 唯我与爱不合.(The world rejoices, but I and love do not mix.)要是永远长不大就好了.(If only it would never grow up.)我只想给我喜欢的人一个好了局.(I just want to give someone I like a happy ending.)要好好努力 长大才气不负众望.(You have to work hard to live up to your expectations.)生活中的幸与不幸 都是有止境的.(The good and the bad in life, they all have an end.)带上你的微笑 面临人生的不期而遇.(Put on your smile and face life's unexpected encounter.)站在孤苦的顶端 不躲闪 不呼唤 与世无争.(Standing on the top of the lonely, don't dodge, don't shout, don't contend with the world.)或许是这世界太过宣哗 才让自己显得有些傻.(Maybe the world is too much publicity, so that they seem a bit silly.)


